Lesson 8: Manufacturing Preparation in OrCAD

This walk-through lesson demonstrates the steps needed for manufacturing preparation in OrCAD X PCB Designer 23.1 including how to prepare your board for manufacturing and generate manufacturing data. After you complete this topic, you will be able to:

  • Add dimensions and title block for fabrication
  • Create a Drill Chart and Cross Section Chart
  • Setup Artwork Films

To follow along, continue with the design from the previous lesson or use the downloaded materials.

If materials were not downloaded at the start of the walk-through, they can be accessed in the Materials tab of this lesson.

Manufacturing Preparation in OrCAD Video

Open in New Window

Adjusting Visibility

Step 1: Select Setup > Colors from the menu or the Color192 button on the toolbar.

Step 2: Select the Nets tab.

Clearing Net Colors

Step 3: Select Clear All Nets.

Note: This will clear the net color overrides defined in a previous lesson.

Step 4: You will be prompted to clear the nets. Click Yes.

Step 5: Click OK to apply the changes and close the window.

Activating Global Visibility

Step 6: Select On for Global Visibility in the Visibility panel.

Step 7: Select All On in the Find panel.

Placing the Outline

Step 8: Select Place > Components Manually from the menu.

Step 9: Select the Advanced Settings tab.

Step 10: Under List Construction and Display Definitions From, check Library.

Step 11: Select the Placement List tab.

Placing Format Symbols

Step 12: Select Format Symbols from the drop-down menu above the list.

Step 13: Check the box next to ASIZEH to place the outline.

Creating a Fabrication Drawing for Manufacturing Preparation in OrCAD

Step 14: Click the canvas to place the outline.

Step 15: Click Close in the placement window to save the placement and close the window.

Note: If you close with the ‘x’ button in the header bar, the outline will not be placed. If the outline does not fit, use the following steps to re-center the board and adjust the origin.

  1. Unfix the crystal traces before moving the board. Select the traces, right-click, and select Unfix.
  2. Click and drag to highlight the whole board.
  3. Select the Move button from the toolbar.
  4. Click the board to move it. Zoom out to view the full PCB canvas, then click again to place the board in the center of the canvas.
  5. Zoom into the bottom-left corner of the board.
  6. Select Setup > Change Origin from the menu.
  7. Right-click the corner and select Snap Pick To > Segment Vertex. The origin snaps to the corner.

Adding Title Block Information

Step 16: Select Add > Text from the menu.

Configuring Text Block Options

Step 17: In the Options panel, select Drawing Format from the Active Class dropdown and Title_Block from the Active Subclass dropdown.

Step 18: Set the Text Block to 6.

Adding Title Block Text

Step 19: Fill the title block with your company’s required information. Click to start writing a line of text. When finished with that line, click again to write elsewhere. When finished, right-click and select Done.

Adjusting Text

Step 20: Select Last under Global Visibility in the Visibility panel.

Note: This will change the visibility settings to their last configuration.

Step 21: In the Find panel, select All Off, then check Text.

Adjusting PCB Text

Step 22: Click and drag to move component text around as needed. To delete, select the text, right-click, and select Delete. To rotate, select the text, right-click, and select Spin.

Step 23: Select Edit > Change Objects from the menu.

Step 24: Uncheck Line Width and check Text Block.

Step 25: Set the Text Block value to 2.

Changing Reference Designator Text

Step 26: Click the reference designator text for each component or highlight the design to select all reference designators. Right-click and select Done.

Note: All reference designators are changed to text block size 2.

Placing Drill and Cross Section Information

Step 27: Select Manufacture > Customize Drill Table from the menu.

Step 28: Select Validate.

Configuring Drill Information for Manufacturing Preparation in OrCAD

Note: Some of the cells will be highlighted in red, indicating that two of these holes have identical definitions. For this board, this is fine.

Step 29: Select Auto Generate Symbols. Click Yes when prompted.

Step 30: Click OK.

Step 31: In the Design Workflow, select Manufacturing Preparation > Documentation > Drill Chart.

Step 32: Leave the default settings and click OK to create the drill chart.

Placing a Drill Chart in OrCAD PCB

Step 33: Click the canvas to place the drill chart.

Step 34: Select Manufacturing Preparation > Documentation > Cross Section Detail from the Design Workflow.

Step 35: In the Cross Section Chart window, set the Text Block to 3.

Placing a Cross Section in OrCAD PCB

Step 36: Click OK and click to place in the canvas.

Adding Dimensions

Step 37: Select Manufacture > Dimension Environment from the menu.

Step 38: Right-click and select Linear Dimension.

Placing Dimensions in OrCAD

Step 39: Click the corners of the board to dimension and click to place the dimension. When finished, right-click and select Done.

Configuring the Artwork Path

Step 40: Select Setup > User Preferences from the menu.

Step 41: In the Category list, expand File_management and select Output_dir.

Configuring an Artwork Directory

Step 42: Enter the text .artwork into the first field, ADS_sdart. Click OK.

Note: This will create a folder for your exported artwork.

Creating Artwork Film

Step 43: Select Setup > Colors from the menu or the Color192 icon from the toolbar.

Step 44: Select the Layers tab.

Step 45: Select Off for Global Visibility.

Note: This will turn off all layers and ensure only the necessary layers are selected.

Step 46: Select Drawing Format from the list on the left and check the box for All to enable visibility for all Drawing Format components.

Step 47: Select Manufacturing and check the boxes for NClegend1-3 and Xsection_Chart.

Step 48: Select Geometry and check the boxes for Design_Outline and Dimension.

Step 49: Click Apply.

Step 50: Select Manufacturing Preparation > Artwork (Film Records) Setup from the Design Workflow.

Configuring Gerber Artwork for Manufacturing Preparation in OrCAD
Adding an Artwork Film in OrCAD

Step 51: Right-click one of the entries in the film window and select Add.

Step 52: Name the film FAB and click OK.

Step 53: Select the new film and change the Undefined Line Width to 0.127.

Step 54: Repeat steps 45-53 for all Artwork Films using the table below:

Step 55: Close the Color Dialog window.

Step 56: Click OK to close the Artwork Control Form.

EMA Design Automation