Quick Tutorial: Design Rule Check


Learn how to avoid costly design errors and respins by using the advanced design rule checks features found in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.

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Product Description

Quick Tutorial: Design Rule Check will provide a brief overview of using design rule checks in OrCAD.


With PCB complexity increasing and deadlines shortening, there is little to no room for error. While design teams often look at DFM as a “manufacturing problem,” the fact is these changes rarely get back to the design team and are often made without a full understanding of the design and its requirements; leading to design failures and production delays. This can be avoided by taking DFM and DRC into your own hands, allowing you to alter any issues in engineering, where changes can be made easily. OrCAD DRC can help you to find manufacturing errors as you design so you can be sure your product can not only be manufactured in high volumes, but electrically performs as intended.


This quick tutorial is intended to provide step-by-step instructions on using design rule checks in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.


Duration: 15 minutes | Version Required: 17.4

See an overview of what you will learn here:

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