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Harmonizing Hardware: Bridging ECAD and MCAD for Seamless Integration

The days of black box electronic design, where electrical engineers and mechanical engineers did not know the other existed, are virtually, if not practically, gone. This isolationist approach has been replaced by collaboration and transparency, which has resulted in a faster, more cohesive design process, lower costs, and streamlined product development. However, to optimize the benefits and achieve seamless ECAD-MCAD integration requires understanding the pressures and concerns and implementing solutions to overcome them.

This eBook answers the following questions:

  • What are the major differences between ECAD and MCAD? 
  • What are the most significant challenges that complicate ECAD-MCAD integration?
  • How to avoid or overcome the common issues that plague the design process?
  • What questions should EEs ask themselves before embarking on an ECAD-MCAD design?
  • How to bridge the symbol and terminology gap between EEs and MEs?

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