After discussing WHAT is happening and WHAT the consumers and end users expectations are, in terms of experiences, after a First World Reboot, the questions is: HOW is it possible to move forward to our new normal? An integrated electro-, mechanical-, multi-physics platform becomes a must, due to the experience becoming more complex in order to handle all the dimensions that are needed. With more control than ever, we have the opportunity to become smarter, more imaginative, more immersive, collaborative and predictive than before. The key to prepare well for the chaotic changing world is to imagine and invent in the virtual world. When you can easily and successfully create a digital twin and simulate in the virtual world, you can reach the real world more accurately, faster, and at a much cheaper cost. In order to become a competitive differentiator in reducing the distance between the virtual world and real world, join us to learn how our platform can help you achieve these goals.