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Maximize Your Design Productivity in OrCAD and Allegro

Duration: 1:04:32

Design teams are constantly being asked to do more in less time while trying to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of technological change. To help you meet these challenges it is important that you have a customized toolbox that can evolve with your needs and help add automation and time savings wherever possible.

Join the experts at EMA and FlowCAD as they show how the extensible environment in Cadence OrCAD and Allegro is being used to enhance and customize your existing Cadence PCB design flow.

To view slides click here.

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Maximize Your Design Productivity in OrCAD and Allegro

Design teams are constantly being asked to do more in less time while trying to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of technological change. To help you meet these challenges it is important that you have a customized toolbox that can evolve with your needs and help add automation and time savings wherever possible.

Join the experts at EMA and FlowCAD as they show how the extensible environment in Cadence OrCAD and Allegro is being used to enhance and customize your existing Cadence PCB design flow.

To view slides click here.

Duration: 1:04:32

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