Do you hate the idea of putting all that time, effort, and testing into getting the perfect design completed and ready for product delivery only to have to start it all over again on the next project? Fortunately, much of the painstaking work you have done is often reusable across designs or for future product iterations. Join the PCB design experts at EMA for a dive into the various aspects of reusable design content and how you can leverage your CAD system to get the most out of your engineering IP now and in the future.
What You Will Learn
- Which aspects of your designs can be reused (it’s more than you think)
- Types of reuse – flexible vs. exact
- What to consider when identifying IP for reuse
- Best practices for managing reusable design elements including stackups, constraints, placement and routing
- How to maximize your design IP and efficiency by leveraging reuse throughout your design process
- Example how modern CAD tools provide multiple opportunities for design reuse and efficiency