Schematic Design with

OrCAD Capture Training Courses

OrCAD Capture Essentials

Learn all the necessary steps required to create a schematic using OrCAD Capture. New users will learn the essentials needed to generate a design, how to navigate the tool, run DRC checks, prep the design for netlisting, and generate BOMs.

Includes an OrCAD Certification Opportunity.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

What you will learn:

  • How to build new parts and symbols
  • Design-checking best practices
  • Techniques for assigning reference designators
  • Creating a BOM (Bill of Materials)
  • Adding part and net properties
  • Creating flat designs
TitleClass TypeDate# of DaysStatusClass PriceLink
OrCAD Capture EssentialsLive Online11/11/20251Open$799Register
OrCAD Capture EssentialsLive Online08/12/20251Open$799Register
OrCAD Capture EssentialsLive Online05/13/20251Open$799Register

OrCAD Certification Included*

OrCAD Schematic and PCB Front-to-Back Flow

This class is a comprehensive course aimed at helping students learn an efficient, front-to-back schematic and simulation workflow. This package includes Capture Essentials and PCB Editor Essentials training.

Includes an OrCAD Certification Opportunity.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

  • How to build new parts and symbols
  • Design-checking best practices
  • Techniques for assigning reference designators
  • Creating a BOM (Bill of Materials)
  • Adding part and net properties
  • Creating flat designs
  • Construct design libraries
  • Import logic design data
  • Define design rules
  • Interactive placement features
  • Pin Swapping
  • Route interactively
  • Run automatic glossing
  • Create copper areas
  • Generate manufacturing output and documentation
TitleClass TypeDate# of DaysStatusClass PriceLink
OrCAD Schematic and PCB Front-to-Back FlowLive Online11/11/20253Open$2395Register
OrCAD Schematic and PCB Front-to-Back FlowLive Online08/12/20253Open$2395Register
OrCAD Schematic and PCB Front-to-Back FlowLive Online05/13/20253Open$2395Register

OrCAD Component Data Management with CIS and CIP

This one-day class will cover component data management with Cadence OrCAD Capture CIS and the OrCAD Component Information Portal™ (CIP), including product interface fundamentals, automating the part introduction process, and effectively managing the part database.

It is recommended that students have a pre-requisite knowledge and proficiency in OrCAD Capture Schematic editing.

What you will learn:

  • Manage parts and symbols in a relational database
  • Assign user privileges
  • Track historical changes of active and legacy parts
  • Manage the integrity of active and historical parts
  • Use distributor searching to locate necessary parts
  • Align new part introduction with corporate protocols
  • Create and formalize new parts
  • Link legacy data to approved parts
  • Swap out parts using Link Database Part
  • Finalize and document the design
  • Manage variants
TitleClass TypeDateNumber Of DaysStatusClass PriceLink
Component Data Management with OrCAD Capture CIS and CIPLive Online09/18/20251Open$500Register
Component Data Management with OrCAD Capture CIS and CIPLive Online03/13/20251Open$500Register

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EMA Design Automation