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Assembly Data and Documentation: Process Overview, Part 2

Probably, the most significant advancement to electronic circuit board development over the last several years has been the realization that designing and manufacturing PCBAs is significantly more efficient when design engineers and CMs collaborate and communicate effectively. This white-box manufacturing strategy works best when designers understand the equipment and processes used to build their boards. Equipped with this knowledge, PCB assembly files and other design documentation can be created to help accelerate the board building workflow and quality of results. 

This eBook answers the following questions:

  • Why understanding the PCB assembly machinery operation helps you design for manufacturing efficiency?
  • How to design to aid the programming of the manufacturing equipment? 
  • Why is it important to include PCB assembly notes in the assembly data documentation package? 
  • How to inform test engineers of the manufacturing standard criteria for the board build?
  • Why collaboration, communication and understanding by all stakeholders is the key to successful, efficient PCB assembly?

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