EMA Design Automation® (www.ema-eda.com), a full-service provider and innovator of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) solutions, today announced the availability of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PCB Design – a much-needed resource to empower engineers with the knowledge needed to understand the complexities of the PCB design process – in hardcopy. “We’ve had a number of people request printed copies of the ebook, including educational institutions who want to use it as part of their classroom training,” said Manny Marcano, president and CEO of EMA. “The ebook was optimized to be read on electronic devices and has been extremely popular, and now by creating a printed version we are providing a professional piece of reference material that can be carried around and used anywhere.”

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PCB Design is a play off the original Douglas Adams novel and offers a fun, easy-to-understand foray into the PCB design and manufacturing process. The book takes the reader on the journey of Ian, a new EE getting his footing in PCB design. In Ian’s first project, he makes some major mistakes causing him to produce a design that cannot be manufactured. However, thanks to the input and advice of several industry veterans, Ian is given a crash course on how to design a successful, manufacturable board and assembly.
With over 100 pages of real-world, actionable tips from experienced industry professionals and several checklists, detailed graphics, and links to additional resources, engineers are provided with the foundational knowledge needed for design success, no matter what CAD software they may use.

This book helps engineers learn how to identify and communicate effectively with key stakeholders, set up a successful design workflow, and avoid common design missteps, addressing such items as:
• How to create a robust and manufacturable PCB layout beyond routing the rats
• Who are your project stakeholders and why their involvement is essential for design success
• Why it’s important to incorporate DFX (Design for Excellence) and the many topics it covers
• Design best practices you need to know and more!
“I wish I had this book when I first started…I understood the tools, but in the end I did not understand what I needed to do, in what order, or the proper flow. This book fills in the gaps, which I experienced at the start of my career,” said Theodor Iacob, schematic expert.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PCB Design is something every person interested in PCB design should have. The hardcover book is available for $39.99 via Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com. Readers can also download the ebook for free by visiting go.ema-eda.com/PCBGuide. For more information about EMA, go to www.emaeda.com or call 585.334.6001.
About EMA Design Automation, Inc.
EMA Design Automation is a trailblazer in product development solutions offering a complete range of EDA tools, PLM integrations, services, training, and technical support. EMA is a Cadence® Channel Partner serving all of North America. EMA develops Ultra Librarian®, TimingDesigner®, CircuitSpace®, CIP™, EDABuilder®, and a host of custom solutions to enhance the OrCAD products, and all are distributed through a worldwide network of value added resellers. EMA is a privately held corporation headquartered in Rochester, New York. Visit EMA at www.ema-eda.com for more information.
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EMA Design Automation, TimingDesigner, CircuitSpace, EDABuilder, Ultra Librarian and the EMA logo are registered trademarks, and Component Information Portal is a trademark of EMA Design Automation, Inc. Cadence, Allegro, and OrCAD are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All other trademarks in this release are the property of their respective owners.