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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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How to Automatically Adjust Component Labels on a ...

Learn how to use Label Tune in Allegro Productivity Toolbox,...

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Things to Consider Before using Open Source Boards...

At this point you may already be familiar with the...

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Constraint Designer EE: Additional Constraints

With Constraint Designer EE, complex constraints are made simple with...

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How to Perform Frequency Response Analysis

This tutorial provides instructions for configuring, performing, and evaluating frequency...

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CIP Compliance Overview

Mitigate component risk and ensure supply chain resiliency throughout your...

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On-Demand Webinars
Designing for RF: When the Signal Meets the Board

Learn about the common challenges in RF design and integration...

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Highlight Parts by Property

The Highlight Parts by Property App in OrCAD Capture allows...

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On-Demand Webinars
Solving for SI & PI Across the Board with the ...

This session will show common issue and analysis that identify...

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Sigrity X Multi-Physics Analysis Tokens

Sigrity X tokens offer a flexible purchasing model to access...

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EMA Design Automation