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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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Shield Router: Allegro Productivity Toolbox

Quickly shield sensitive signals to minimize crosstalk and noise with...

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OR and NOR Gate SPICE Models: Explained

This blog will discuss the information needed to create an...

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Modeling and Simulating a Power-Aware Parallel Bus...

Learn how to configure a power-aware DDR topology and analyze...

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Mask Generator: Allegro Productivity Toolbox

Quickly create oversized masks to adhere to manufacturing requirements and...

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National Pet day brings you the DogWatcher

As most of us know, while we love our pets...

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Electronics Products Magazine Names Cadence One of...

Recently, Electronics Products Magazine announced their 42nd Annual Product of...

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Part Selection Guidelines – What You Need to...

Join us for a look into what is needed from...

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EMA Design Automation