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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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On-Demand Webinars
Making Your Autorouter Work For You Webinar

Learn how to accelerate your design schedule with the SPECCTRA...

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How to Create a Non-Ideal Resistor Model

Learn how to create a non-ideal resistor model with parasitic...

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PCB Design Software with Auto Routing

PCB design software with auto routing coupled with good layout...

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Effective Crosstalk Reduction Methods Implementati...

Implementing effective crosstalk reduction methods is best achieved with PCB...

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Jernberg PI #3: The Case of the Unresponsive PDN

Decoupling Capacitor placement and size as well as loop inductance...

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Fabrication Data and Documentation: The Complete P...

Creating PCB documentation that your CM needs to accurately and...

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On-Demand Webinars
Tools of the Trade: Reducing PCB Design Cycles wit...

Reducing time spent on tedious or monotonous tasks is great...

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How to Simulate Noise

This tutorial will provide step-by-step instructions for three different methods...

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EMA Design Automation