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EMA Design Automation and Hawk Ridge Systems Reshape Engineering Software Landscape with Full ECAD/MCAD Convergence 
EMA and Hawk Ridge Systems Partner to Bring ECAD/MCAD Convergence to Electronic Product Design
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Optimizing Power Supply

Download our e-book to learn how to design and implement...

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Real-Time Revision Control
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5 Often Overlooked Items to Consider When Choosing...

Your choice of a PCB design solution will have a...

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Why Buy When You Can Spend More Time and Money Mak...

We’ve all been there: you’ve got a problem to solve...

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OrCAD X Quick Tip: Productivity with Improved Meas...

Quickly and easily perform measurements with a customizable display and...

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PCB Clustering for OrCAD: AutoClusteringâ„¢

Placing components has traditionally been a tedious, manual process no...

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PCB Design: Beyond the Desktop to the Cloud

Cloud-based services connecting individuals to online data is becoming part...

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DC Source SPICE Model: Explained

Learn what parameters are required to create a DC source...

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EMA Design Automation