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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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Plugfest 2024: Event Guide

Leveraging the benefits of events like Plugfest 2024 requires knowing...

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On-Demand Webinars
PSpice Webinar: Boost Your Circuit Simulation Perf...

Learn how to maximize circuit performance in PSpice with improved...

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On-Demand Webinars
PCB Trace Termination Techniques to Ensure Signal ...

As signal frequencies and speeds increase the potential for unwanted...

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EMA Design Automation expande alcance na América ...

Rochester, NY (27 de julho de 2021) – EMA Design Automation®...

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PCB SI Basics: Performing Simulation with Lossless...

Learn how to perform a simulation with lossless transmission lines...

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How to Verify PCIe 4 Compliance

Learn how to use Compliance Kits in Sigrity to quickly...

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PCB Clustering App Overview

The PCB Clustering App in OrCAD helps you quickly complete...

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Rigid Flex: DFM and Design Rule Considerations

This paper discusses some of the key challenges to address...

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Using AutoConvergence in PSpice to Get Past Conver...

One of the biggest annoyances in any SPICE-based simulator occurs...

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EMA Design Automation