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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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PSpice Simulates with Arduino-Driven Sensors

Have you ever wanted to simulate a design with existing...

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How to Convert a UPD Package Substrate for Use wit...

This document describes the procedure to import UPD spd2 format...

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How to Color Code Parts in OrCAD X Capture CIS

Learn how to color code parts in OrCAD X Capture...

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OrCAD PSpice Designer – SPICE Simulation

Explore the gold standard in SPICE analysis. PSpice Designer provides...

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Whiteboard Wednesday: What is Impedance and Why Sh...

This episode of Whiteboard Wednesday will discuss impedance and how...

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OrCAD Engineering Data Management

Using OrCAD Engineering Data Management, you will have a comprehensive...

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PCB Design for Military Grade Applications

The military is known as a leading innovator in electronic...

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How to Use Stacked or Staggered Vias in a PCB

Learn how to create and use stacked or staggered vias...

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On-Demand Webinars
Webinar: Serious Tools For Advanced Rigid Flex

Avoid Costly Fabrication Errors with Real-time Inter-layer Checks

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EMA Design Automation