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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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How to Configure Artwork Films in OrCAD X Presto

Learn how to configure artwork films in OrCAD X Presto...

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EMA Design Automation Expands Operations in the Un...

Rochester, NY (March 30, 2021) – EMA Design Automation® (www.ema-eda.com), a...

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PSpice MATLAB Overview
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OrCAD Constraint-Driven Design Flow

OrCAD’s constraint-driven flow provides a unique, fully integrated environment to...

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PSpice Designer

Accurately analyze circuit behavior and verify design intent during schematic...

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How to Design Transmission Lines for a Wilkinson P...

Learn how to design transmission lines & match impedance values...

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CADSync Overview – Launch Video
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EMA Design Automation