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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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Top Five Problems Ultra Librarian for OrCAD Solves...

As you are probably already aware- a lot goes into...

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On-Demand Webinars
Reworking PCB Rework – Reducing Debug & ...

Join us to learn how InspectAR can help inspect, debug,...

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Design Begins and Ends with Your CAD Library

Your PCB CAD library is a key component of your...

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Shield Router: Allegro Productivity Toolbox

Quickly shield sensitive signals to minimize crosstalk and noise with...

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Allegro Package Designer Plus

Using Allegro Package Designer +, designers can meet compressed schedule...

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Zero-Touch BOM with OrCAD Capture CIS

See how you can easily include accurate component information and...

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How to Match Parts in LiveBOM

Learn how to match parts in LiveBOM to perform accurate...

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Real-Time Part Management with OrCAD Capture CIS

Efficiently manage parts for your PCB designs and ensure schematics...

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EMA Design Automation