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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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On-Demand Webinars
How to Elevate Your PCB Design Process with OrCAD ...

See how the Cadence PCB design flow provides the only...

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Simulation and Analysis of a Serial Link System: P...

Learn how to setup analysis options for signal integrity analysis...

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Setting up Timing Budget and Analysis Options for ...

Learn how to configure simulation parameters and set analysis options...

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Why You Should Have Supply Chain Data in Your Libr...

See how incorporating supply chain data into your component database...

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How to Setup an RF Schematic for Simulation

Learn how to setup an RF schematic for simulation including...

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PCB Footprint Design Guidelines

Accurate PCB footprints are crucial for ensuring the functionality of...

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Imagine Communications: Designing Complex, High-Sp...

Imagine Communications customer success story.

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VSDP – DIE Text Import – Creating a Vi...

This whitepaper will teach you how to import a non-Virtuoso...

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How to Quickly Find Padstacks in a PCB Design

This quick how-to provides instructions on how to find padstacks...

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EMA Design Automation