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Release to Manufacturing with OrCAD X
Discover features included in OrCAD X Presto to streamline the release to manufacturing process and minimize errors in documentation and file packages.
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Get the OrCAD Advantage: Board Materials

Every day the requirements for PC boards are becoming more...

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Microstrip Antenna Design

For antenna design software, whether its 5G antennas, phased array...

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On-Demand Webinars
Deconstructing the Modern CAD Library

To be useful for today’s designers, modern CAD libraries need...

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Catia V6 Surface FE Modeling

Use Catia SFE to create high-quality meshes of complex surface...

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Winter 2018 OrCAD Release

The latest OrCAD update brings you access to new and...

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Whiteboard Wednesday: Schematic Outputs

This Whiteboard Wednesday video will discuss what documents are needed...

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Outsourcing PCB Design? 8 Reasons Having a PCB Des...

Moving a design from concept to a completed board is...

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OrCAD Capture Now Provides Export Capability for I...

Last week, Cadence announced OrCAD® Capture now provides export capability...

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Top Signal Integrity and Power Integrity Tools

Knowing the best signal integrity and power integrity tools and...

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EMA Design Automation